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more accessible & responsive

complaints processes


Complaints processes that are accessible, understandable, fair and transparent. Complainants should be believed and not be ‘silenced’ or fear the withdrawal of support. Practitioners should not ‘close ranks’ and respond defensively. Independent support services should be established, including a voluntary sector ‘third party’ complaints mediation organisation for service users and a confidential service user helpline for incident reporting and whistleblowing.


Recommended resource: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (n.d.) How to complain

Systemic    |    Relational


“I think the complaints are really important. So, when we have [a] serious complaint, we understand the member[s of] staff are moved to another area, borough or whatever, when [it] is something new so it's about a culture of, of really investigation, investigating what the complaints are about [and] not repeating themselves.”

Avoidable Harm in Mental Health Social Care
Avoidable Harm in Mental Health Social Care

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